Email Signature

The signature on our electronic correspondence allows us to further reinforce our brand, and present a unified and consistent identity to those we work with. The email signature, as shown in the example below, must be used by The Dev Hotel and Conference Centre staff using email for internal or external correspondence.

DEV Hotel & Conference Centre
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Céline Sansregret
Operations Manager
Gestionnaire des opérations


1950 Montreal Road, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 6L2
IACC Certified Venue
Top 1% of meeting venues worldwide
Le top 1 % des lieux de réunion à travers le monde


  1. Copy the signature

  2. In Outlook go to Options > Mail > Signatures > New

  3. Name your signature

  4. Paste the signature and make updates for your personal contact info without adjusting any of the spacing. Choose “Keep Source Formatting” if you are given paste options.

    • If you work from a corporate office, do include the address in your signature
    • Do not include your personal home address if you work from home
  5. Important: select the website domain (

    • Remove the underline: select the domain and click on the underline icon (U)
    • Change the font color: select your email address and click on the color tab > More Colors > Custom and add these values: RED: 182, GREEN: 32, BLUE: 28
  6. Important: select your email address and update link to your email (mailto:

    • Remove the underline: select the domain and click on the underline icon (U)
    • Change the font color: select your email address and click on the color tab > More Colors > Custom and add these values: RED: 182, GREEN: 32, BLUE: 28
  7. Choose finish, then set this signature as your default for all ‘New Messages’ and ‘Replies/Forwards’

More detailed information can be found here:

Adding a signature to your device

You should also set a corporate signature on your work device. The signature must be in plain text, as mobile devices do not allow for colours or styling, so simply copy the information in your Outlook signature.

  1. Open Settings App
  2. Choose Mail
  3. Swipe/Scroll down and tap Signature
  4. Type or paste your new signature text
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